Troop 500 - Order of the Arrow
The Order of the Arrow is Scouting's honor society. Members are Scouts and Scouters who best
exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives as recognized through election by their peers.
Active Scout Arrowmen
- Bennett H. (Troop OA Representative)
- Sayre E.
- Joaquin S.
- James P.
- Ben V.
- William H.
Ordeal Candidates (Awaiting completion of their Ordeal)
- Jesus C.
- Gavin O.
- Alex P.
- Jimmy O.
- David E.
Active Scouter (Adult) Arrowmen
- Mark Rayfield
- Steven Cennamo
- Jose Balboa
- Thomas Smith
- Bryan Howard
- Kris Loveless
- Braedon DeHaven
- Esteban Balboa
- Nick Rodriguez